4K Logo
With your purchase of a logo, you will get a 4K resolution picture. Saved images will be in PNG format, saved at the following resolutions:
- 4000 pixels by 4000 pixels at 300 DPI
- 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels at 72 DPI
You will also receive 3 deliverables with your purchase. I can usually have a finished image to you within 72 business hours. If I have questions for you, I will attempt to contact you via Discord first. If I do not hear from you within 12 hours, I will email you. It is your responsibility to communicate with me. I will not be able to keep to the delivery schedule unless you communicate with me as needed.
You will need to go to the Color Palette website and specify what colors you will want your logo created with. When you have the color palette you want, use the contact form on the Contact page. When asked for color palette specifications, use the palette’s URL. You will need to include your order number from this purchase as well.