About Designer

Well hello there! Though my name here is KrazyVenom, my real-life friends know me as Tim. I am a disabled US Army veteran who is confined to a wheelchair 100% of the time outside of my home and only 90% confined when at home. I have severe balance issues due to a genetic condition, thus the reason for being 100% outside of my home. My disability is not service-connected. Though I was born with a common genetic condition and a common neuropathy condition, the neuropathy was caused by the genetic condition. This, according to top neurologists, has only happened 4 other times since 1942, when the genetic condition was discovered. This overall condition only happens to those born male. The odds, I am told, of getting this condition are 1 in 2.1 billion men. This condition is specifically called Klinefelter Sensori-Motor Axonal Polyneuropathy. I also suffer from severe PTSD issues that are not combat-related but are related to my time in the military.

To deal with all the negativity in my life, specifically talking about my condition, I stream live on Twitch and Facebook Gaming. Eventually, I would like to stream on Kick as well. But that will come in time. I do a lot of 'hobbies' to help with dealing with stuff as well. Some of my hobbies are woodworking, resin casting, 3D printing, graphic design, helping other content creators, playing World of Warcraft (been playing since 2009), and playing PS5 games.

Hit me up on my Discord server when I am not streaming.